
The dickingsonartmeseum is a non-profit-making organization established in private corporation under the Law. The principal objective is to develop and popularize black African tribal art; to diffuse ethnological, anthropological and artistic knowledge of these people; to acquire, collect, preserve, expose and to add more value to ancient works of African art while improving on the cultural know-how of the New-York population, the Americans and the wider world community. The Museum has a permanent collection of art works put together by Missionaries of the American Anti-Slavery Society and of The National Colonization Society of America since 1850. This collection now belongs to the Foundation, which has since wished to make of it an instrument of knowledge and testimony for the benefit of rich and fertile cultures generally ignored. The Foundation manages the Museum through a Board of trustees made up of the men and women who have a common interest for Africa and aim at opening up cultures to the general public-which is the goal of any museum.. There are 8 different committees that guide the actions of the board. These committees propose to the Foundation organizations, investments and other actions likely to help the museum attain its objectives. The committees are made up of people who work for growth of the Museum; the members and all other workers including volunteers work as team in close collaboration with the Chairman of the board of directors of the museum. - The orientation committee: proposes to the board of directors the musicological and scientific orientations of projects as well as the organizational chart and operating principle of the museum. Contact: : - The Pedagogic committee: supervises the organization of guided tours, develops hand-outs to assist visitors during tours, handles the selection of trainees/volunteers and their follow-up…. Contact: - The Exposition committee: selects objects for exhibitions or external exposures and manages exhibition projects. Contact: - The Communication committee: manages both the internal and external communication of the Museum. Contact: - The Inventory and acquisition committee; Conducts inventories on the collection of the museum in conformity with recommended rules from ICOM (The International Council of Museums); they establish and enrich the data base, treat all conventions of acquisitions, and the acceptance of gifts and legacies. This committee is consulted on the organization and financing of ethnographic or archaeological missions regarding the policy of acquisition. This committee proposes to the Board of trustees, through the General Manager, the purchase of new objects/collections for the Museum. Contact: - The Checking and Financial Administration committee supervises the operations of the ticketing, publishing and accounting services and prepares the annual financial report. Contact: - The Volunteers advisory committee coordinates the activities of the volunteers and represents them in board meetings. Contact: - The Foundation of Friends of the Museum committee coordinates patronage co-operation and the foundation of the Friends of the Museum. Contact: